Family reunification in Germany under the Dublin III Regulation

English translation of 2nd edition 2022, published by Diakonie Deutschland and Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration

Family reunification in Germany under the Dublin III Regulation (2022)

The separation of protection-seeking families within the European Union has been a longstanding issue for refugee counselling services. For example, many asylum seekers in Greece are still waiting to be allowed to join their relatives who are living in Germany. European law provides a possibility to establish family unity within the EU with several provisions of the so-called Dublin III Regulation. The procedure is fraught with many hurdles, if, for instance, necessary documents are not available or are not accpted by the authorities involved. The adoption of the new Asylum and Migration Management Regulation, which is being discussed at EU level and is to replace the Dublin III Regulation, is currently not in sight. Therefore, we have completely revised and rewritten the guide „Family reunifications for Germany under the Dublin III Regulation to Germany“, which Diakonie Deutschland had first published in 2018. This publication addresses frequently occurring problems and provides numerous tips for refugee counselling practice.

The publication's chapters cover the following topics:

  • Scope of application of the Dublin III Regulation
  • Family-related criteria of responsibility
  • Possibilities for support
  • Procedure in case of rejection

German version

This publication is also available in German.

This publication was completely revised for the current new edition by Anne Pertsch (Equal Rights Beyond Borders).

Published by Diakonie Deutschland – EWDE e.V. and Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration e.V.


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Thema Familiennachzug