
About Us

Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration e.V. is Germany’s main independent institution providing background information for asylum and migration practitioners.

The association’s main area of activities is the documentation and analysis of German jurisprudence in asylum and migration matters. Accordingly, legal matters feature strongly in its main publications, Asylmagazin and In addition, Informationsverbund is editor of further publications which cover a wide range of topics. Both the Asylmagazin and also feature sections on country of origin information. Furthermore, Informationsverbund has been a founding member of and contributes German language content to this site.

The assocation is committed to the principle of making relevant information publicly available without access restrictions. 

Please Note: For legal reasons and due to limited capacity we are not in a position to answer queries concerning individual asylum procedures or other information requests on legal and procedural aspects of German migration law.

Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration is a charitable association. It was founded in 1999 by the German central welfare organisations together with leading NGOs. Currently, the following organisations are represented on the association’s board:

  • Amnesty International,
  • Arbeiterwohlfahrt,
  • Deutscher Caritasverband,
  • Der Paritätische,
  • Deutsches Rotes Kreuz,
  • Diakonisches Werk,
  • Pro Asyl.

UNHCR has been a cooperation partner of Informationsverbund since its foundation.